2010年1月8日 星期五

Song 49, "Mulan-Reflection" by Christina Aguilera

Look at me 看著我
You may think you see 你也許以為你看到
Who I really am 真實的我
But you'll never know me 但你絕不會了解我
Every day 每一天
It's as if I play a part 我似乎都在扮演著一個角色
Now I see 現在我明白
If I wear a mask 如果我掩飾的好
I can fool the world 我可以矇騙全世界
But I cannot fool my heart 但卻無法矇騙我的內心

Who is that girl I see 那個我見到的女孩是誰
Staring straight back at me? 目不轉睛地凝視著我
When will my reflection show 何時我的倒影才會顯露出
Who I am inside? 內在的我

I am now 此時的我
In a world where I 身在一個世界
Have to hide my heart 不得不掩飾我的內心
And what I believe in 以及我所深信的
But somehow 但無論如何
I will show the world 我將告訴這個世界
What's inside my heart 我的內心想法
And be loved for who I am 及展現被人珍愛的我自己

Who is that girl I see 那個我見到的女孩是誰
Staring straight back at me? 目不轉睛地凝視著我
Why is my reflection 為何我的倒影
Someone I don't know? 是我自己卻都不認識的人
Must I pretend that I'm 難道我必須假裝
Someone else for all time? 一直扮演一個非我的角色
When will my reflection show 何時我的倒影才會顯露出
Who I am inside? 內在的我

There's a heart that must be 有一顆心需要
Free to fly 自由飛翔
That burns with a need to know 它渴望知道
The reason why 為什麼這樣的理由

Why must we all conceal 為何我們都得隱瞞
What we think, how we feel? 自己的想法和感受
Must there be a secret of me 難道有一個秘密
I'm forced to hide? 我不得不隱藏
I won't pretend that I'm 我不會假裝
Someone else for all time 我永遠是某人
When will my reflection show 何時我的倒影才會顯露出
Who I am inside? 內在的我
When will my reflection show 何時我的倒影才會顯露出
Who I am inside? 內在的我

Lyrics from

Christina Aguilera-Sing Along Version http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiLOVazwnWM&feature=related
Christina Aguilera-Live Much Music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXHWyuNDu2w&feature=related
Jordin Sparks-Reflection-American Idol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oS-WVyP28CM

2010年1月1日 星期五

Song 48, "I Dreamed a Dream" by Elaine Paige

There was a time when men were kind 曾幾何時男人是那麼的體貼
When their voices were soft 他們的聲音是那麼的溫柔
And their words inviting 他們的言語是那麼的誘人
There was a time when love was blind 曾幾何時愛情是盲目的
And the world was a song 而整個世界就似一首歌
And the song was exciting 這首歌是令人興奮地
There was a time 曾幾何時
Then it all went wrong 然而一切皆變了

I dreamed a dream in time gone by 我夢見過往的一個夢
When hope was high 那時希望滿懷
And life worth living 生命有價值
I dreamed that love would never die 我夢到愛永不凋零
I dreamed that God would be forgiving 我夢到天主是寬容的
Then I was young and unafraid 那時我年輕無懼
And dreams were made and used and wasted 夢想恣意浪擲
There was no ransom to be paid 無須付出任何代價
No song unsung, no wine untasted 無歌不唱,無酒不嚐

But the tigers come at night 然老虎卻在夜裡到來
With their voices soft as thunder 帶著他們低沈如雷的聲音
As they tear your hope apart 他們把你的希望撕裂
And they turn your dream to shame 他們讓你的夢想變成慚愧

He slept a summer by my side 整整一個夏季他睡在我身旁
He filled my days with endless wonder 用無盡的驚喜充實了我的日子
He took my childhood in his stride 他泰然處之我的年輕歲月
But he was gone when autumn came 但他一去不復返當秋天降臨

And still I dream he'll come to me 而我仍夢想著他會回到我身邊
That we will live the years together 那我們就可共度餘生
But there are dreams that cannot be 但總是有那無法實現的夢想
And there are storms we cannot weather 總是有我們無法捱過的暴風雨

I had a dream my life would be 我曾有過我夢想般的生活
So different from this hell I'm living 完全不似我現在過的悲慘生活
So different now from what it seemed 現在它完全不似夢想中的生活
Now life has killed the dream I dreamed. 如今生活已扼殺我昔日的夢想

Lyrics from

Les Miserables-10th anniversary http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yt-IBJpEMzA
Susan Boyle-Britains Got Talent 2009 Episode 1-Saturday 11th April http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxPZh4AnWyk&feature=related
Susan Boyle-Britain's Got Talent 2009-The Final http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BvBkTmDWBA&feature=fvw
Hayley Westenra http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GZI7E3zDsg&feature=related
Ruthie Henshall-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pScod6sfNpw
Judy Kuhn http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYEJqZQOsHg
Sarah Spiegel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cyy3KWhtyhY
Aretha Franklin-Clinton Inauguration http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dl5ZM02s7yA